For PRIOR ZAP Users who are Upgrading Templates

These are your FULL SET of instructions below:

On the Statements Worksheet, for each Data Block...

  1. Enter Opening Balance in proper cell(s) (see image)

  2. Copy and Paste-Special-Values-Only the Start and End Date Columns into each data block WITHOUT the opening balance column

    1. if you copy that in you will need to delete that data as that column is auto-filled with an ArrayFormula (see image)

  3. Copy and Paste-Special-Values-Only the Increases, Decreases and Total Columns (see image)

On the RawTxn Worksheets , Asset/Liability Worksheets, & General Journal

  1. Copy and Paste-Special-Values only all data from your old Template to your New Template

You should be ready for USE !!

Opening Balance Cell..

Starting Balance Column is auto filled. Do not copy that in...